- I will start numbering the pages from the center. Page 1 will be the page on the right of the center seam, and the left page will be zero. The students will number their books positively towards the back of the book, and negatively towards the front.
- I will make sure that there are getting-to-know you types of activities for the first few pages.
- I really loved the "Me at a glance..." page from Sarah Rubin over at Everybody is a Genius. The multiple intelligences, learning styles and color quizzes are brilliant.
- I think i will also put in a math autobiography as well. There's a one that goes with the CPM curriculum that I could incorporate. I've also had students write letters to Math in the past. My English teacher work-girlfriend (I'm in a polyamorous work-marriage) uses mock Facebook profiles and timelines to do character analyses, so maybe I can work something in there as well. I'm not committed to anything yet, but I'm committed to the idea of something.
There are, however, a few things that I'm currently in search of, primarily how do I measure progress, and how do I grade my students' notebooks, if at all? Mrs. Hester doesn't and Sarah does minimally. I think I'm leaning towards a peer review, or short scavenger hunt. I don't feel like putting too much effort into something that doesn't necessarily prove mastery of a standard. And as for progress, I think if I'm happier, and my students are in a more productive/persistent/positive atmosphere, that's progress.
I really look forward to doing this again, but with actual intent, as opposed to out of a desperate need for change.