I've been thinking of what it is I value. Team work, persistence, being complete, thoughtful and thorough. Not just showing work, but showing reasoning and justification. So in terms of extra credit, I believe that it can only be achieved in certain weighted grading categories.
I'm pretty sure that next year's grading weights will be:
• 5% Participation
• 15% Homework
• 30% Quizzes, exit tickets, and learning logs
• 50% Tests and projects
Extra credit will only be available in the participation category, and only through team points. I'm estimating that a team will generate about 15-20 points per week. I think the lowest a team can score will be 15 points, and the highest will be 20 points, with a potential for up to 3 extra credit points per week. Participation points will be awarded when a team is randomly asked to share their responses, on a 3-point rubric.
1. Bravery. Thanks for trying
2. Correct answer.
3. Correct answer with justification and academic language.
One team would probably get called on no more than once a day, and they can earn a bonus point if the entire team did their homework, so 4x5 = 20. If I make a lower-bound at 15, it shouldn't hurt their grade too much if they with a subpar team, and they can have extra credit with a better team to make up for it. If I give them up to 3 extra points as a team, I think I won't get push back from parents who are only interested in independent work.
Thinking this through makes me feel a lot better. I think I'm content.